Blog Archive

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Dear Examiner,

I intended to produce an organised and clear project,  I hoped through using a blog it would be easy navigate around the page. I feel because of using blogger specifically my organisation and time keeping has improved. As it visible when (the time and date) pieces are posted on the blog, I have found that I have focused on posting my blog posts within the time schedule, this meant I had to organise my time in more detail, ensuring that I was capable of following my original time schedule.

Throughout the project I have developed a range of new skills, such as, computer skills: learning how to use new programmes, or developing my skills, as well as, other skills needed to success such a project. I have learnt to use new programmes I would not have used otherwise, such as Prezi and Publisher, I have also greatly developed my already existing skills in Photoshop to essentially make a professional looking product at the end of my project. I have also learnt more vital skills such as simply the detail of which is needed when researching for a project, for example, researching firstly into the genre of music, then, target audience, then, other magazines.  Overall, I have learnt how to create a conventional magazine through my research, and development. I have also learnt of the importance of researching into other existing products and their success and how they substantially would reflect on the success of my product. Thus, I have learnt a great deal about the process of creating a magazine, such as funding and publishing houses.

My blog shows the experiments of my first and second draft of my magazines, however, it doesn't come to show the significant efforts I made in creating a unique product that suited the genre and remained conventional, yet still had unconventional elements to attract the target audience. My intention initially was to create a completely unconventional product that fitted the genre, however, when researching I realised some conventionalism is needed in order for the product to sell. I do not feel my blog fully reflects this journey and the extent to the improvements I had to make on my first draft to create my final product.

Although I do feel my blog reflects my clear organisation, I particularly feel my strongest pieces of work are the creative, and analytical pieces. I feel my analytical skill, analysing other magazine greatly reflects on the success of my creative pieces of work (specifically when creating my final product). I have found my focus on detail allows me to create an overall conventional yet, unique product. I am very proud of my work creating my 'House style' as my skill analysing and comparing other magazine lead me to begin my project with a strong, unconventional house style.

Finally, I am extremely grateful you have taken the time to read through my work, and hope you find my creativity and blog experience conclusively enjoyable.

Yours Sincerely,
Annie-Mae Brockman

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