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Sunday, 25 March 2012

4 | Evaluation

Who would be the audience for your media product?

To begin my research stage I researched into my target audience:

My target audience are young teenage-adult females in the demographic of adventurers I based this on the fact at the planning stage of my magazine, I researched into my primary target audience: Fans of Alternative-Rock. I did this through as survey I did anonymously through the Internet. The first question I asked was 'What gender are you?' Of which my results showed that two thirds of my audience were female, this allowed me to clearly confirm that predominantly my target audience would be female. I then asked the age of my target audience and the most popular response was '16-18'. This allowed me to clearly know the age of my target audience. I also asked my target audience which colour scheme they preferred with a range of options such as 'pastel colours' to 'flourecent colours' however, my most popular response was a nautical/patriotic colour scheme, this allowed me to make some initial ideas about my target audience. I then asked them what leads them to buy a magazine the most popular response was 'event's' again, this allowed me to connote a significant amount about my target audience. I then asked what type of magazine they preferred formal or informal in which they said they preferred informal. I also asked my target audience whether they were more attracted to up-and-coming artists, of which the response was predominantly yes.  Based on the theory of Katz and Blulmer I can say that my audience would read my magazine firstly for a form of surveillance, I know this as they turn to my magazine for information, again this leads me to believe that I should include different interesting forms of information to lead them to my magazine, also Personal relationship and identity. Hence, the representation of my artist, the colour scheme, the articles and font must create an overall brand identity suitable for my magazine to draw them into my magazine.
Based on the information I received from my research survey I was able to create a primary audience concept:
- Predominantly Female
       I know this from my survey responses.
- Ages 14-20
       I know this from my survey responses.
- Interested in Indie/Alternative-Rock music
       I know this from my survey responses.
- An Adventurous audience
       I know this based on the fact that through my survey my target audience collectively conveyed feelings that they were interested in events and concerts they were also interested in more unconventional aspects in comparison to other magazines revealing that they are a more adventurous audience.
- Presumably mostly in education/Unemployed
       Due to their age I can deduce they are more than likely still in education.
- A lively audience
       My audience said they were interested in events showing that they are obviously energetic and lively.
- Interested in the more vintage/retro style
       Based on the colour scheme which is a more retro colour scheme, I can deduce that they are interested in a more retro/vintage 1940's style, yet due to their age, they more than likely prefer a mire urban edge.
- Interested in a more informal style of magazine 
       I know this from my survey responses
- Interested in the magazine for Personal identity/relationships and Surveillance
       When asked what draws them to a magazine my target audience responded information, this clearly shows that they are interested in using the magazine for surveillance. Also, the fact they were interested in events shows they are interested in the magazine for personal identity, their choice of colour scheme and the fact they themselves have narrowed them self down to a fan of Alternative-Rock and done my survey shows they are involved with the magazine for a personal identity and relationship.

I concluded that my target demographic/phychographic are aspires and explorers, I also found that they would be students. I found this through outlining the target audience of my chosen music genre, and so targeted my magazine at that audience.

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