A spider diagram of ideas how my article will feature my artist
Looking back at my research
My research of other double page spread articles shows that the most popular form of article used to feature the artist is an interview, usually based on a theme such as, an up and coming concert or the release of a new album. The fact that other magazines does slightly convince me that I too should also feature my artist in the form of an interview, however, it also leads me to believe I specifically shouldn't do an interview. I think the familiarity will be appealing to the audience. Although, I worry that the reader may not be able to be intrigued by article and this may make them not want to read.
It was also shown when I did my questionnaire that the target audience were most interested in interviews and events. This again leads me into doing interviews.
Deciding on three main themes/styles
Themed Interview
+ It is relevant
+ It gives the article a clear direction and intent
- It may be a tad repetitive
- It may not be as interesting as intended
- Its not intriguing
- The style could be seen as too predictable
Informal Interview
+ It is intriguing
+ It gives a personal, informal edge
+ It allows the reader to find out information they might not other wise
+ It allows the reader to create a personal relationship with the artist
+ It gives the magazine a unique selling point
- It may turn other readers away
- It may make the magazine seem more like a gossip magazine
Opinion Article
+ It will intrigue the reader
+ It encourages the reader to have their own opinions
+ It may inspire the reader
- It could be a tad boring
- It could be too predictable, in terms of the content
Why I chose to do a 'Themed Interview'?
Based on my research it seems interviews are the most popular way to feature an artist. This makes the concept seem unappealing as it makes it seem unoriginal. However, it does create a sense of continuity and familiarity. It also seems that my target audience are most interested in reading interviews and interested in events. Hence, I have chosen to combine both forms of informing articles. By, interviewing my artist I am maintaining the more personal aspects of my magazine, and, with it creating a unique selling point. It also makes the magazine of more value to the reader as they will be intrigued by the interview. I have decided for there to be a theme in order to highlight first the fact that I am considering the wants of the reader, specifically focusing on what they wish to read. Secondly, it gives the interview an overall direction, a clear idea and theme from the outset. This gives the article meaning and shapes direction clearly for the reader. I have also chose for the article to be written in a more personal, informal form. This is to intrigue the reader, and interest them. However, it is also to allow the reader to connect with the article and the magazine on a personal level.
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