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Monday, 2 January 2012

Research into fans of Alternative Rock and Analysis of My Results

A Link to My Survey:

Analysis of my Results:

Q1 What Gender are you?
I predicted that predominantly my audience would be female, evidently I was correct. This will essentially effect the presentation of my magazine, and even, the layout. Stereotypically presentation and the attractiveness of a magazine is what women find initially appealing. The more attractive a magazine is, the more willing they are to buy it. Hence, by asking this question in particular not only have I confirmed who my target audience are, but also, I have ensured an initial structural layout for my magazine. Women tend to be more attracted to clean, uncomplicated magazines, as, they look tidier. This is shown through the comparison of a male magazine cover and a female magazine cover. Women's magazines tend to be less as complicated, and modern looking, this is because that it what women find appealing. Subsequently, I shall apply this to my magazine. This question will also mould the content of each article or interview within my magazine. As, obviously, this means I will have to create relevant articles that my target audience will definitely find appealing. In order to ensure overall that my magazine will be appealing to my target audience, throughout specifically the designing stage I will take the information collected from this question into consideration.

Q2 What category below includes your age?
It is important for me to consider the age of my target audience, of which, as predicted is ages 16-18. This is important mainly as it affects what my articles will be about, also, again, the style of magazine will have to be considered, in knowledge of my age range. Younger people tend to prefer a more modern magazine style, and more than likely will prefer modern music. They will also prefer more up to date relevant information. Hence, all said, must be included within my magazine. This also allows me to experiment with a more urban looking layout and style. Subsequently ensuring that my magazine will be found substantially more appealing based on the opinions of my target audience.

Q3 Which style of Magazine do you prefer?
With this question I intended to find out what style of magazine my target audience are more attracted to. I decided for the two options to be Formal, and, Traditional; which would consist of a more formal, newspaper style. Or, Informal, and, Modern; this will consist of a more urban look, subsequently ideal for my target audience. As shown by the graph the modern option was more regularly picked. This is because it is more appealing to the target audience, hence, they will be more likely to buy my magazine. This question enables me to base my magazine on a specific style/layout. For example, based on the answer of this question I am able to confirm that my magazine will definitely have a more urban sleek look, and will remain informal, with informal content. This could also help me in the creation of my Magazines name as, I now know, that I want the name to be more informal. For example like, 'Q' magazine, its easily remembered and not exaggeratedly formal, which is why it is so appealing. By asking this question I have ensured that by making my magazine more informal it wont be seen as unappealing and on the contrary may attract my target audience.

Q4 What Colour Scheme to you find most attractive (within a magazine)?
Unexpectedly it is evident that my target audience prefer a more nautical colour scheme. I predicted that my target audience would prefer Greys and whites with random splurges of colour, this is essentially because that particular colour scheme can be used in a range of ways to create an intriguing layout, also, it is regularly seen in the 'Alternative Rock' genre. I also predicted that it may have been most popular because it is more modern. Although my predicted option did come second. The nautical theme, is some what more chic, regularly seen in 50's fashion magazines. Hence, implying that the target audience may be interested in a more retro look, with an unconventional modern edge. This allows me to conclude that my target audience are naturally attracted to a more unconventional look. It also allows me to experiment with a mix a formal and informal, as, traditionally nautical themes are associated with a more formal look. By choosing one colour scheme, I am essentially choosing a range of colours that I intend to use throughout my magazine. Consequently by asking this question I have confirmed a mutual agreement with my target audience on a colour scheme that most attracts them, meaning by using the chosen colour scheme I can confirm that they will be attracted to my magazine.

Q5 What leads you to buy a music magazine? (e.g. Competitions, Information on Music events)
In order to analyse the results to this question I transferred all the answers into a wordle, this created a word cloud, the most popular mentioned words being the biggest in comparison. One of the biggest word evidently shown is the word 'information'. This means that the articles featured within my magazine will be informing articles containing relevant information to appeal to my target audience. It also informs me that my audience would prefer the magazine to be overall more informing and relevant. Possibly, meaning that they intend to read the magazine as a form of surveillance and for relevant purposes. I also noticed that the word 'events' was taking up a large proportion of the wordle. This again informs me that my target audience prefer relevant up to date information. In this instance the audience are requesting to be informed of up-and-coming events.

Q6 Are you more attracted to a magazine that is unconventional? (unusual: stands out in the crowd)
As shown in the bar-graph left the most popular answer was 'yes, to some extent'. Presumably this means that the audience would prefer a magazine to be relatively unconventional in order to attract the reader, but not inconveniently so, so it makes them unable to navigate around the page and such. Based on the fact I had chosen a sub-genre, unique in itself. I predicted that the answer present would have been the most popular result, evidently, I was correct. This consequently leads me to design are more unconventional layout of my magazine in order to grasp the readers attention and suit my targeted niche-audience.

Q7 Do you find yourself more attracted to new up-and-coming artists?  
I predicted that my target audience would be more interested in up-and-coming artists, however I did not expect the margin to be so disproportionate. Although, taking into consideration the overall result I can conclude that a new unseen artist will be featured in my magazine. This is to make certain that it will interest my target audience. What this also implies about my target audience is again, they are relatively modern and unconventional. It implies that my audience are more interested in new artists, and so they find newer modern things more appealing.

Q8 When featured on the front of a magazine do you prefer to see the whole band or just the lead artist?
As shown in the results, my target audience prefer to have the whole band features on the front of the magazine. This advises me to to do so on the the front of my magazine. This will promote my target audience to buy my magazine as they will be more attracted to the band featured on the front. It also gives me an initial idea for a layout as now I know for definite that I will feature a whole band on the front of my magazine. Questionably, I will think of an unconconventional way to feature the band. It also ensures that I will be featuring a band name rather than an artists name, which poses the question of whether I use the bands sygnature font, or if they even have one.

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