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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Contents Page: Deciding on the content and background

It is shown in my research of other magazines, mostly pull quotes and article headings have been used, obviously with a page number. Also, relavent images. I have chosen to have no specific images clearly shown. Hence, my article titles will have to be particularly interesting. It seems that the most intriguing articles tend to be comical. I think it will be more intrigueing to have subheadings, making it easier for the reader to navigate their way around the page. Showing, again, the titles of the articles will have to be intriguing.
I think it is better if I mainly feature article names, rather than pull quotes. Conseuqently, the reader will know almost immediatly what the article is about.

Spider Diagram of Article Ideas:

Final Article Choices for my contents page:
4. How to become famous in 20 days
5&6. Best new up and coming artist of 2012
8. Okay, seriously, where to be this year?
10. Really? Why do you guys like youtube?
13. How to write your own song
15. I'm a fan so you must be? Right?
18. Live, Love, Regret and tell us about it.
19. Horoscopes

Research on Backgrounds
My research shows that contents pages tend to either use minimalistic background with a range of smaller surrounding, relevant, thumbnail images. Or, they feature one large image as a form of background. I had decided, initially I wanted one large image, I had presumed that this would be of the artist. However, now in the designing stage it has become clear that one colourful image can also be just as appealing, rather than having an image of the artist.

Possible backgrounds:

My choice: 3
For my background I will use an image of a flag, that fits my initail colour scheme (a union jack). This makes my magazine seem more edgy and original, I also think it won't deduct too much attention from the content of my content page. It also is more relevant, considering I am making a magazine based on an English target audience, and it may also interest audiences from other countries and may even attract them to the magazine. The flag is also both male and female, and makes the magazine seem rocky without seeming to oppressive and dark.

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