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Sunday, 30 October 2011

Preliminary: Possible Settings Choices For a Front Cover Image

Option One:

In the foreground is a metal fencing, in the background is a school, with classrooms and balconies in view. This is ideal for a 6th form magazine, as it is set in a school, and makes them feel related and involved with the magazine. It also clearly shows the subject of the magazine, or its main theme. Its also a bright, natural looking environment, yet the setting is modern. This is appealing to target audience of 6thformers as its not trying to be too modern and grungy. Its modern in a positive way, showing modernism in a 'bright light' as to not be contradicting of a realistic representation of a teenager also, to not seem too patronising. However, there are many negative connotations of the bars, as they symbolise being trapped, this could imply negative connotation of specifically 'school' and 'education' which is the wrong message I wish to imply through my Front Cover. Although, the bars, and the fact its taken from a high angle is what makes this image particularly unconventional which is appealing to the audience, as it will attract them as its unusual also, because it is taken in a familiar enviroment. Although, the fact that its such a familiair enviroment could be un-appealing as they may wish for something different, or the familiarity may seem to much, and turn them away from the magazine.

Option Two:

This is an image taken from a staircase, with an attractive ladscape through a window.The ladscape and setting are appealing to the audience as firstly they are familiar as it is a ladscape/setting they see regularly, hence, it could cause them to be curious and make them think. Secondly, it is appealing to the audience as, it is very unconventional: it is an unconventional place to take a photo for a front cover, even considering it is a school magazine because its a setting (a staircase) that is regularly disregarded at its not a place for main view merely for convenience for example a more conventional place to take a picture for a school magazine would be the entrance, or, the atrium. The main problem with this setting is, its very dark which is firstly quite inconvenient when I come to edit the picture or if i chose to photograph a person infront of this background you won't be able to see them. Once again, there are negative connatations from th cages visible in the image, specifically as they are covering up the landscape in the background as it makes it seem, the cages in the school are caging out the outside world. This not ideal for my front cover as it again, shows my magazine to be against the school which it is in fact the opposite.

Option Three:

This is an image of lockers. This is both conventional and unconventional. It is conventional to see lockers within a school yet, it is unconventional to see them used as a background for a school magazine. By showing the lockers makes the background seem more modern yet, unpactronizingly so as, its not made to look grungy its simply something relavent to school, yet not too relavent that it seems that the magazine may be an education magazine. The connatations of the lockers are also ideal for my magazine as, its a school facility, situated in school but inside your locker are your personal items as well school items, this could symbolize the content in my magazine, being both school related and personal. It is also ideal as it is familiar to the audience. The dark dreary colours of the lockers are quite un-apealing although they do fit in with my colour scheme, also, the dull colour would essentaily make the title stand out even more. Also, the brightness and clearness of the picture would make it easy to edit so it looks more upbeat.  

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