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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Skills Audit

Text Box: Please number 1-5. 5=agree strongly, 1= strongly disagree.General:

[3] I work well as a part of a team
[4] I work better independently
[3] I am confident that I can recognise the audience of various media texts
[2] I am confident that I can recognise representation in various media texts
[2] I am confident that I can research the institutions involved in the creation of various media texts
[3] I am confident that I can replicate the production practices of various media texts
[3] I am confident that I can recognise the narrative of various media texts
[4] I am confident that I can recognise the genre of various media texts
[4] I am confident that I can analyse the audience of various media texts
[2] I am confident that I can analyse representation in various media texts
[2] I am confident that I can analyse the institutions involved in the creation of various media texts
[2] I am confident that I can analyse the production practices of various media texts
[3] I am confident that I can analyse the narrative of various media texts
[3] I am confident that I can analyse the genre of various media texts


[4] I am skilled at using desktop publishing software like Publisher
[2] I am skilled at using desktop publishing software like Macromedia
[5] I have a lot of experience in taking digital photographs
[3] I am proficient at manipulating images and text in Publisher
[2] I am proficient at manipulating images and text in Macromedia
[5] I have a lot of practise of using photographic software like photoshop
[4] I read a lot of magazines
[4] I have designed magazines before
[4] I have a good knowledge of what looks good on a page
[3] I am a good writer
[3] I know the terminology of magazines and newspapers thoroughly
[4] I am confident I know the names of the different shot types and camera angles well.

The Presentation of the Research:

[5] I am confident I can use PowerPoint effectively
[4] I often add to online blogs or forums
[4] I have used audio visual software to create podcasts before

The Evaluation of the Research:

[4] I am organised and keep an effective record of my work
[4] I am good at recognising my own strengths

My strengths and weaknesses:

   I find it easy to come up with new and creative ideas once challenged. I also find it easy to create a product suitable for a target audience, understanding the typical conventions and stereotypes suitable. Analysing is particularly easy for me as, I find it easy to pick up on details and why they are relevant to a genre for example. However, I find it harder to talk about the industry and make links from a product to the industry when analysing. I also find it hard to analyse the representation of people particularly when the mise-en-scene is scarce, or a close up shot is used and the person is barely in view.
I can present my work in a pleasant and tidy manner and I find it easy to organise my work clearly and efficiently. I know how to use computer programmes such as PowerPoint and publisher effectively, but am less successful with programmes such as firework, flash or Dreamweaver, although have a small knowledge. I also work well in a team and enjoy hearing others ideas alongside my own. However, in certain tasks I feel I am more successful working independently. 

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